From: Museums: Branding and History. |
The National Portrait Gallery's logo is extremely plain and boring. The font is unoriginal and lacks any animation or color. Many of the paintings within the gallery are unique and amusing. The logo is not representative of the works within the museum. The logo could illustrate some of the works within the museum by replacing some of the letters with works of art. For example, the 'o' in national and portrait could be a picture of someone featured within the gallery. The gallery could also use the logo to display famous works within the museum like Andy Warhol's Queen Elizabeth II behind the letters. That particular piece is extremely famous and would add a lot of color to the logo, which would grab people's attention.
From: www.npg.org.uk |
I chose Flora Macdonald mainly because I liked her setting. I am from California and love the beach and she is sitting with the beach in the background. I have always wanted to dress up in old dresses with corsets on the top and huge skirts on the bottom so this was my chance to do that in a way. I also admire her confidence.
From: www.npg.org.uk |
I chose Anne of Denmark for Katharine solely because she has a 'fro. Katharine refers to the wisps of hair that escape her ponytail as her 'fro. As I was walking through the museum I was hoping to find someone that represented Katharine and when I saw Anne of Denmark, I immediately knew I had to choose her. Anne of Denmark also made social and cultural contributions to life at court through entertainment, which reminded me of Katharine's bubbly personality.
From: www.npg.org.uk |
I chose Dame Anna Neagle for Anna because of her strong, yet feminine stance. Anna Neagle seemed to illustrate Anna's giggly and confident personality perfectly. Dame Anna Neagle was also an actress and I think Anna would make a perfect actress since she is often the center of attention.
From: www.npg.org.uk | |
Normally I would not associate Alaura with a religious and violent woman. However, on the subway to the National Portrait Gallery, Alaura explained to me that she felt combative that day but did not know why. I thought that Mary, Queen of Scots would portray Alaura's anger and aggression. Alaura always wears her signature red coat, which reminds me of Bloody Mary.
From: www.npg.org.uk |
I chose Pandit Ram Gopal for Stephanie because the painting was so colorful and whimsical. I always associate Stephanie with movement and dance. The colors in the painting and the movement of Gopal's clothing made me think of Stephanie's colorful and flowing wardrobe. Gopal was also a dance choreographer and teacher, which reminded me of Stephanie's ice skating routines.
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